Emma's Gluten Free Baking Mixes

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Step-by-Step: Pop Tarts

12:56 PM Posted by EmmaElaine , No comments

Pop Tart Mix

Whole Recipe

Makes: 10-12 Pop Tarts
1   Emma’s Gluten Free Pop Tart Mix
1   Emma’s Gluten Free Dusting Flour (Not included. Any gluten free flour will do)
1 C Unsalted butter (cold), cut into 1 inch pieces
2 Large eggs, divided
2 – 3 T Milk
10 oz. Strawberry jam (or any flavor you like!)

Pour Emma’s Gluten Free Pop Tart Mix into a large mixing bowl. Add the butter and work it into the mix with your hands until it is crumbly and the texture of coarse sand with some large pieces about the size of grapes.

Add 1 egg & 2 T of milk. Mix with a spoon until you have a soft dough that is not sticky. You may need to work the dough with your hands to get it to come together. If too dry add the final 1 T of milk.
Divide the dough in half. Wrap one half with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator.
Place a 9”x13” piece of waxed or parchment paper on a work surface. Dust with Emma’s Gluten Free Dusting Flour. Place dough on the parchment, sprinkle with a little more dusting flour, and top with more parchment paper.
Roll dough into a rectangle, slightly larger than 12”x 8” (Work carefully! Dough is delicate). Use a knife to trim the dough to 12” by 8”. Cut the 8” side in half and the 12” side into fourths to form eight 3”x 4” rectangles.Beat 1 egg and brush 4 rectangles with it. Place 2 heaping tablespoons of jam on each egg-brushed rectangles and spread it out, leaving a 1/2 inch border on all sides. Cover with the plain dough rectangles. Seal the edges with your finger tips and then press with the tines of a fork. Prick the center of each pop tart several times with a fork. Brush with more egg and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. (If dough is no longer cold, refrigerate up to 30 min before baking.)
Repeat the rolling and filling process with the other half of the dough. Preheat oven to 350° F.
Bake for 30 – 35 minutes or until golden brown. Cool and serve.


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